Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's getting closer!

I am now 29 weeks along and getting large:) Kahlan (the baby) is moving a lot and she loves to stay up in my ribs. Sometimes she kicks and it hurts. According to my doctor's appointment this week all is going well. It is hard sometimes to keep up with school but I am trying my best. Jake is doing well and putting up with me. We are just enjoying life and both are ready to be done school.
Funny story!
So Jake wanted to iron his nice pants to wear the next day. We don't use the iron that often so we tried to remember where we put it. We looked where we thought we put it. Jake had taken it out of the box and placed it somewhere "where we would use it more". Somewhere logical right! So we , we searched out storage areas, we looked in the second bedroom, in closets, in our room and all over. We could not find it so we searched all over again double checking each other. Then I walked into the kitchen and I asked did we put it in with the laundry stuff and sure enough it was there in the logical place. We just started laughing and Jake was able to iron his pants:)